You can edit most of your save files. This may allow you to add new trucks to your garage, collect bugged upgrades and much more.
What you need
A savegame editor for The legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild. It can edit: items, weapon durability, modifiers and more! Find your save files in C: Users (user name) AppData LocalLow Owlcat Games Pathfinder Kingmaker Saved Games. (you'll need to be able to see hidden files to select AppData) Find the file you want to edit, copy it, put it on your desktop. Right-click on the file, mouse over 7-zip, select 'Open Archive'. Edit a file in its desktop or web app. Right-click a file from any of these locations:. The files list when you select Files on the left side of Teams. The Files tab at the top of a chat or channel. The message where the file was attached. Select Open in Desktop App or Open in Browser. Open the document library and select the link on the file you want to edit. If the file type is supported for previewing, it will open online. If not, you'll get a download prompt. Once downloaded or opened in an online app, you can edit and save the file. When you edit online in Microsoft 365, your files are saved automatically.
But i recommend to use notepad++ with JSON Viewer plugin. Also you need to disable steam cloud saves. Then play some time after you edited your saves. And them you can enable steam cloud and overwtite data in here from local files.
Your main save file
We interested in this file%SteamInstallFolder%userdata%userid%1465360remoteCompleteSave.cfgthis file contains all your save data from slot 1, exluding fog on map. I don’t know how to remove/edit fog, because this is binary files with unknow to me format.
So you needed just locate this file and open it with text editor. then you will see one long string. Use format JSON from plugin in notepad++ to convert it to more redable format. And then you can edit your file. I show one example how you can edit it.
This flie is pretty large, so i ommited some part from it. So i want to remove all my stored truks. All i need for this is just clear all data from trucksInWarehouse array. Clean array will look like this:
And then just save file. Also in persistentProfileData you can edit your money, expirience and other stuff. Have fun.
By testpilot24
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You can edit most of your save files. This may allow you to add new trucks to your garage, collect bugged upgrades and much more.
What you need
All you need is simple text editor, because most save files are just json text files.
But i recommend to use notepad++ with JSON Viewer plugin. Also you need to disable steam cloud saves. Then play some time after you edited your saves. And them you can enable steam cloud and overwtite data in here from local files
Your main save file
We interested in this file
this file contains all your save data from slot 1, exluding fog on map. I don’t know how to remove/edit fog, because this is binary files with unknow to me format.
So you needed just locate this file and open it with text editor. then you will see one long string. Use format JSON from plugin in notepad++ to convert it to more redable format. And then you can edit your file. I show one example how you can edit it.
This flie is pretty large, so i ommited some part from it. So i want to remove all my stored truks. All i need for this is just clear all data from trucksInWarehouse array. Clean array will look like this:
And then just save file. Also in persistentProfileData you can edit your money, expirience and other stuff. Have fun.
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By testpilot24
This is all about SnowRunner – How to edit save files; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!