Glyphicons Pro

Snippets for deprecated icon fonts, including the entire Glyphicons Pro family, Foundation Icons 1.0 and more! Installation Launch VS Code Quick Open ( Ctrl+P. `GLYPHICONS is a library of precisely prepared monochromatic icons and symbols, created with an emphasis to simplicity and easy orientation.` Bootstrap 3 comes with good amount of components and Glyphicons is one of the components we can get with it.

icon-glass icon-leaf icon-dog icon-user icon-girl icon-car icon-user-add icon-user-remove icon-film icon-magic icon-envelope icon-camera icon-heart icon-beach-umbrella icon-train icon-print icon-bin icon-music icon-note icon-heart-empty icon-home icon-snowflake icon-fire icon-magnet icon-parents icon-binoculars icon-road icon-search icon-cars icon-notes-2 icon-pencil icon-bus icon-wifi-alt icon-luggage icon-old-man icon-woman icon-file icon-coins icon-airplane icon-notes icon-stats icon-charts icon-pie-chart icon-group icon-keys icon-calendar icon-router icon-camera-small icon-dislikes icon-star icon-link icon-eye-open icon-eye-close icon-alarm icon-clock icon-stopwatch icon-projector icon-history icon-truck icon-cargo icon-compass icon-keynote icon-paperclip icon-power icon-lightbulb icon-tag icon-tags icon-cleaning icon-ruller icon-gift icon-umbrella icon-book icon-bookmark icon-wifi icon-cup icon-stroller icon-headphones icon-headset icon-warning-sign icon-signal icon-retweet icon-refresh icon-roundabout icon-random icon-heat icon-repeat icon-display icon-log-book icon-adress-book icon-building icon-eyedropper icon-adjust icon-tint icon-crop icon-vector-path-square icon-vector-path-circle icon-vector-path-polygon icon-vector-path-line icon-vector-path-curve icon-vector-path-all icon-font icon-italic icon-bold icon-text-underline icon-text-strike icon-text-height icon-text-width icon-text-resize icon-left-indent icon-right-indent icon-align-left icon-align-center icon-align-right icon-justify icon-list icon-text-smaller icon-text-bigger icon-embed icon-embed-close icon-table icon-message-full icon-message-empty icon-message-in icon-message-out icon-message-plus icon-message-minus icon-message-ban icon-message-flag icon-message-lock icon-message-new icon-inbox icon-inbox-plus icon-inbox-minus icon-inbox-lock icon-inbox-in icon-inbox-out icon-cogwheel icon-cogwheels icon-picture icon-adjust-alt icon-database-lock icon-database-plus icon-database-minus icon-database-ban icon-folder-open icon-folder-plus icon-folder-minus icon-folder-lock icon-folder-flag icon-folder-new icon-edit icon-new-window icon-check icon-unchecked icon-more-windows icon-show-big-thumbnails icon-show-thumbnails icon-show-thumbnails-with-lines icon-show-lines icon-playlist icon-imac icon-macbook icon-ipad icon-iphone icon-iphone-transfer icon-iphone-exchange icon-ipod icon-ipod-shuffle icon-ear-plugs icon-phone icon-step-backward icon-fast-backward icon-rewind icon-play icon-pause icon-stop icon-forward icon-fast-forward icon-step-forward icon-eject icon-facetime-video icon-download-alt icon-mute icon-volume-down icon-volume-up icon-screenshot icon-move icon-more icon-brightness-reduce icon-brightness-increase icon-circle-plus icon-circle-minus icon-circle-remove icon-circle-ok icon-circle-question-mark icon-circle-info icon-circle-exclamation-mark icon-remove icon-ok icon-ban icon-download icon-upload icon-shopping-cart icon-lock icon-unlock icon-electricity icon-ok-2 icon-remove-2 icon-cart-out icon-cart-in icon-left-arrow icon-right-arrow icon-down-arrow icon-up-arrow icon-resize-small icon-resize-full icon-circle-arrow-left icon-circle-arrow-right icon-circle-arrow-top icon-circle-arrow-down icon-play-button icon-unshare icon-share icon-chevron-right icon-chevron-left icon-bluetooth icon-euro icon-usd icon-gbp icon-retweet-2 icon-moon icon-sun icon-cloud icon-direction icon-brush icon-pen icon-zoom-in icon-zoom-out icon-pin icon-albums icon-rotation-lock icon-flash icon-google-maps icon-anchor icon-conversation icon-chat icon-male icon-female icon-asterisk icon-divide icon-snorkel-diving icon-scuba-diving icon-oxygen-bottle icon-fins icon-fishes icon-boat icon-delete icon-sheriffs-star icon-qrcode icon-barcode icon-pool icon-buoy icon-spade icon-bank icon-vcard icon-electrical-plug icon-flag icon-credit-card icon-keyboard-wireless icon-keyboard-wired icon-shield icon-ring icon-cake icon-drink icon-beer icon-fast-food icon-cutlery icon-pizza icon-birthday-cake icon-tablet icon-settings icon-bullets icon-cardio icon-t-shirt icon-pants icon-sweater icon-fabric icon-leather icon-scissors icon-bomb icon-skull icon-celebration icon-tea-kettle icon-french-press icon-coffe-cup icon-pot icon-grater icon-kettle icon-hospital icon-hospital-h icon-microphone icon-webcam icon-temple-christianity-church icon-temple-islam icon-temple-hindu icon-temple-buddhist icon-bicycle icon-life-preserver icon-share-alt icon-comments icon-flower icon-baseball icon-rugby icon-ax icon-table-tennis icon-bowling icon-tree-conifer icon-tree-deciduous icon-more-items icon-sort icon-filter icon-gamepad icon-playing-dices icon-calculator icon-tie icon-wallet icon-piano icon-sampler icon-podium icon-soccer-ball icon-blog icon-dashboard icon-certificate icon-bell icon-candle icon-pushpin icon-iphone-shake icon-pin-flag icon-turtle icon-rabbit icon-globe icon-briefcase icon-hdd icon-thumbs-up icon-thumbs-down icon-hand-right icon-hand-left icon-hand-up icon-hand-down icon-fullscreen icon-shopping-bag icon-book-open icon-nameplate icon-nameplate-alt icon-vases icon-bullhorn icon-dumbbell icon-suitcase icon-file-import icon-file-export icon-bug icon-crown icon-smoking icon-cloud-upload icon-cloud-download icon-restart icon-security-camera icon-expand icon-collapse-top icon-globe-af icon-global icon-spray icon-nails icon-claw-hammer icon-classic-hammer icon-hand-saw icon-riflescope icon-electrical-socket-eu icon-electrical-socket-us icon-pinterest icon-dropbox icon-google-plus icon-jolicloud icon-yahoo icon-blogger icon-picasa icon-amazon icon-tumblr icon-wordpress icon-instapaper icon-evernote icon-xing icon-zootool icon-dribbble icon-deviantart icon-read-it-later icon-linked-in icon-forrst icon-pinboard icon-behance icon-github icon-youtube icon-skitch icon-foursquare icon-quora icon-badoo icon-spotify icon-stumbleupon icon-readability icon-facebook icon-twitter icon-instagram icon-posterous-spaces icon-vimeo icon-flickr icon-last-fm icon-rss icon-skype icon-email

I've got to 'Building the Form and Button Panel' in the Building a bootstrap site tutorial. This code is supposed to display a button with an arrow, but it just displays an empty white box:

Also I have a question in regard to the way the code is written, Why on earth would you want to hide the download button on a mobile device? I realize it may be covered in a later tutorial but it just seems weird!

You also need to link to the glyphicon files in the css like so

or in the HTML

Also for the forum markdown use blank line then 3 back ticks then code then 3 more back ticks then another blank line.

EDIT: Fixed all of these issues

Okay, thanks. (Important Note: If you're not using a web server, change // to http://).

The arrow is however very dark, way more so than expected. This is my relevant css:

Glyphicons pro

Glyphicons Prostate

Actually, now that I remember, I used the download that was given after the customization stage. So surely that would be unaffected by any changes to bootstrap?

Glyphicon Product

That code is displaying strangely... I've put it on a pastebin:

Also, the code block isn't ending, even though I put 3 backticks at the end...

And now icomoon is failing to work...My css is

And my HTML is:

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